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The concept of the program presented is dynamic; A number of elements are incorporated, which are not visualized in isolation, but in their mutual relationships. To speak of early childhood education is to designate the little ones who begin their steps on the path of learning, because it takes place from the moment of their birth to the first years of school life. Childhood is a beautiful and very important phase for every person, it is the phase in which the necessary foundations are consolidated to acquire knowledge in the future, so children must receive the appropriate stimulation in each of their phases to strengthen their skills and abilities that will serve them later as a person who will develop and perform functions in a society. Early childhood education is guided by a legal framework that allows for the proper realization of children`s rights at every stage, with the sole purpose of protecting them from any act that violates their rights in all their contexts. Today`s early childhood has laws and decrees that allow the government to ensure good management of public policies in order to achieve the full development of all its dimensions, including Law 1098 of the Children and Adolescents Code of 2006, which is enshrined in its article 29 “The right to integral development in early childhood with the priority of nutrition, Protection, health and early education as urgent rights.” That, although we have already put in place policies and legal processes to promote the holistic development of children who are subject to all rights, a significant commitment from all social sectors will be necessary to ensure the necessary conditions for their realization. Therefore, the legal framework is closely related to the concept of childhood, as it refers to the condition and living conditions that an adult offers to a child, in which privileges must be granted to all rights that contribute to his integral development. For this reason, the legal framework contains all the guidelines that promote children`s quality of life, as well as curriculum resources to promote early childhood learning development. Of course, this is a commitment of everyone and everyone!! Thank you for your comment!! It is nothing more than the specific concretization of a pedagogical theory to make it effective and ensure the learning and development of a certain group of students for the culture, time and community to which they belong. It is the practical way to apply a pedagogical theory to the class, it is the specific action plan that the teacher develops with his students in class. It is a term that was not known in Latin America until the late 70s, at the University of Glasgow in Scotland in 1633, according to Stephen Kemmis, although it has already been used in Anglo-Saxon countries for more than half a century. It comes from the Greek CURRERE, which means to walk easily, to walk, to walk. “A school should be a place for all children, not on the idea that everyone is equal, but that everyone is different. Loris Malaguzzi Mental Mint Map Early Childhood Legal Framework and Concept of Childhood.

“Children are the most precious resource and the greatest hope for the future.” John Fitzgerald Kennedy I agree, it is crucial to invest in early childhood because it is a primordial phase in the life of each person that can determine much of what that person will be like in adulthood. So I think it`s very good that this kind of topic is being discussed in places like this, because it helps us all to evaluate and better understand this phase. As a result, early childhood education focuses on children, taking into account their peculiarities, which makes them act differently in their search for their own identity. The people who accompany this process must be responsible, committed and highly creative in helping children improve their skills through actions and strategies that enable meaningful learning. The program includes learning experiences that the student experiences experience inside or outside the school environment under the teacher`s guidance or motivation. It is important to note that any effort aimed at early childhood, since societies are renewed on average every 20 years, means that if we already pay very well and take care of the replanting, a good harvest will be obtained in the medium and long term. Yes, thank you!! The truth is that children need comprehensive care and, in our country, great efforts are being made to create the conditions for a new generation of Salvadorans.